" There is no fear for one whose mind is not filled with desires "


Monks and Novices

Becoming a monk is as old as the Buddhist tradition. Among the Buddha’s first followers were those who left home and took the vows and robes of monks, a role central to most streams of the Buddhist tradition.

In South and Southeast Asia, for example, the laity cook for and make food offerings to the monks, support them with gifts of robes and toiletries, and receive both satisfaction and religious merit for this support. There are ordinarily two levels of ordination. 

Monastic Vows and Disciplines

A samanera is a novice monk. Monks and novices undertake a set of vows, commonly known as the Vinaya, which guide their conduct and interactions. These vows encompass principles such as refraining from harm, practicing celibacy, and abstaining from worldly pleasures. The disciplined lifestyle is a conscious choice to foster spiritual growth and minimize distractions.

"One should train in 3 Deeds of Merit - Generosity, a Balanced Life, developing a Loving Mind - that yield Long-Lasting Happiness"

                                                – Lord Buddha

What is Buddhist Novitiate?

The Buddhist Novitiate is a sacred initiation into monastic life, marking the transition from lay life to the path of a novice monk.

Rooted in the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, this tradition offers individuals an opportunity to deepen their understanding of Buddhist principles, mindfulness, and compassion. It serves as a stepping stone towards a life devoted to spiritual growth and service.

Our Novitiate Experience

At BMV, we provide a comprehensive and authentic Buddhist Novitiate experience. Our program is designed to offer a holistic immersion into the monastic lifestyle, providing participants with a deep understanding of Buddhist philosophy and practices.
Here’s what you can expect:

Experience the Monastic Life

Open to individuals of all backgrounds, our programme invites both men and women aged 18 and above to experience a simple monastic life and to cultivate compassion and wisdom for inner joy and peace.

Participants are required to stay-in and complete the programme
Medium: English

Programme Highlights:

Shaving & Ordination Ceremony:

The commencement of the novitiate is marked by the symbolic act of shaving the head. This ceremony represents the renunciation of worldly attachments and the initiation into the monastic life. The ordination ceremony that follows is a solemn affair, where novices take vows, committing themselves to the fundamental principles of Buddhism. Clad in simple saffron robes, the novices embark on a path of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Naming Ceremony

In the Buddhist Novitiate Programme, a naming ceremony holds great importance. Novices are bestowed with a new monastic name, signifying a fresh identity free from the trappings of their past lives. These names often carry profound meanings, reflecting virtues and qualities that align with the path of enlightenment. The act of receiving a new name marks a symbolic rebirth, emphasizing the transformative nature of the novitiate experience.

Piṇḍapāta (Alms-round)

A distinctive feature of Buddhist monastic life is the practice of Piṇḍapāta, or alms-round. Novices, alongside ordained monks, venture into the community with alms bowls to receive offerings of food from laypeople. This tradition fosters humility, dependence on the generosity of others, and serves as a direct link between the monastic community and the lay supporters. Piṇḍapātais a tangible expression of the interdependence inherent in Buddhist practice.

Certificate Giving Ceremony

Upon the completion of the novitiate, a Certificate Giving Ceremony is held to acknowledge the novices' dedication and progress on their spiritual journey. This formal recognition serves as a testament to their commitment to the Buddhist path